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20 Sites for Java Developers 본문


20 Sites for Java Developers

미니옵빠 2011. 8. 27. 19:48

출처 카페 > 이석용의 지식창고 | 이석용
원문 http://cafe.naver.com/sylee999/119

General: 20 Sites for Java Developers

At 6:53 PM on Nov 30, 2004, R.J. Lorimer wrote:

One of the advantages of all of us having different backgrounds and perspectives is that we see different things from day to day and can share unique information. This is especially true when it comes to the internet. I thought I would try to start the ball rolling on a discussion of hot Java sites. We all use and love Javalobby, but there is so much content out there besides what you can find here. So I will start by listing twenty sites that I think deserve the merit of being checked regularly. I hope you'll join the discussion and post any sites you check that are Java related and worth mentioning!

The Sites (In, I assure you, random order)
http://www.javaalmanac.com - The online counterpart of the Java Developer's Almanac - highly recommended for quick code snippets, and if you like the site, buy the book.

http://www.onjava.com - O'Reilly's Java website. New articles weekly.

http://java.sun.com - The official Java developer website - new articles posted weekly.

http://www.developer.com/java - Java articles hosted by Gamelan.com

http://www.java.net - The Java community website hosted by Sun Microsystems.

http://www.builder.com - Cnet's Builder.com website - All tech articles, some Java-centric.

http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java - IBM's Developerworks; the Java section.

http://www.javaworld.com - One of the originals. Weekly updates of Java articles.

http://www.devx.com/java - Java articles hosted at DevX.

http://www.fawcette.com/javapro - The JavaPro online magazine website.

http://www.sys-con.com/java - The Java Developers Journal online magazine website.

http://www.javadesktop.org - The desktop Java community hosted at Java.net.

http://www.theserverside.com - Often considered the resource for all discussion server-side Java specific.

http://www.jars.com - The Java review service. Covers frameworks and applications.

http://www.jguru.com - A great source for Q&A style interaction in the community.


http://www.ibiblio.org/javafaq/javafaq.html - The comp.lang.java FAQ - questions asked, answered, and categorized from the comp.lang.java newsgroup.

http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/ - The Official Java tutorial from Sun - very useful for almost any feature set.

http://www.javablogs.com - Blog aggregator for the most active Java-based blogs throughout the internet.

http://java.about.com/ - Java news and articles from About.com.


출처 : http://www.javalobby.org/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=16001